Tuesday 13 July 2010

PS3 vs. Xbox 360: User interface

A major part of a console is its user interface. A good UI system allows good functionality, ease of use and also a pleasant experience. Both the 360 and the PS3 strive to provide a fine user experience, using colourful visuals and user friendly navigation. But which consoles UI is better?

Let’s compare looks.

The 360 UI in no doubt is damn pretty. The elegant curves, the vibrant colours, the matching house-style. It really is a sight for soar eyes. The use of themes also complements this, adding more flavour and customization to the UI.

The PS3 however, uses a more simplistic approach. The UI is very straight forward, and very clear. Also, unlike the 360, the PS3 themes are a lot more in depth as they change the icons along with the background which provides a more unique look.

In the end, both UI’s look outstanding. But the 360 UI in my opinion looks a lot better in its raw form. Themes do improve the look of the PS3 UI but what’s most important is the UI’s raw form.

Now let’s talk features.

First of all, both consoles have a main menu (dashboard). The 360 uses panes while the PS3 uses scrolling icons. Also, while in-game, both consoles allow the player to access an in-game version of the main menu (XMB). The in-game menus allow users to perform tasks such as view their friends list and their achievements/trophies. The Xbox has had this from the start whereas the PS3 only just became capable recently.

Also, The 360 has a dedicated achievement system which rewards players on their in-game performance. The PS3 has something similar to this called the Trophy system. They are pretty much the same thing however the PS3’s system can be a little confusing at first. This is because trophies are awarded as Bronze, silver and gold.

Furthermore, the 360 has an avatar feature which allows users to create their own virtual character to represent their persona. The PS3 has a feature called “Playstation Home” which is intended to do a similar thing. However, play station home is almost like a separate game and just does not feel as if it part of the UI. It does not feel like it is in harmony with the user interface.

Xbox is doing pretty good so far. Lets move on to functionality.

Both the PS and 360 have user friendly interfaces. But in my opinion, I must say the PS3 takes this. This is because it’s just so simple. The Xbox is a little more complicated as it has a lot of things on display. The visuals can become a little overwhelming while trying to navigate. You get used to it, but this is still not a problem on the PS3.

In the end, I give both consoles a point even though the 360’s UI does excel in features and also may look better, it still cannot compare to the PS3 UI’s functionality. The PS3 UI is just so easy to use and I think functionality plays a big role in making a user interface.

PS3: 2 Xbox 360: 3

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