Tuesday, 13 July 2010

PS3 vs. Xbox 360: Online experience

A factor to consider whilst comparing consoles is their online capabilities. Xbox live and PSN are the online gaming providers for the Xbox and PS3 obviously. They are very well known among the gaming industry and are also in the midst of a flame war between fans. Some say Xbox live is better. Some say PSN is better.

Let’s find out for ourselves.

Firstly, PSN users always argue that why should they pay for a service they can get for free on their system. Well one of the reasons is that XBL works. The service is a lot more sophisticated and does not suffer from random server shutdowns and errors like on the PS3. An example of this is when the PS3 servers shutdown due to a bug, causing many problems where gamers lost all of their trophies.

Also, XBL is very cleverly integrated into the UI. Everything works together which gives the system a more unified feel. For example, the spotlight pane which displays featured content is directly integrated into the UI. On the PS3, featured content is also displayed but the separate articles always link off into the web browser. Everything you click always launches a separate app or just opens up the web browser which shows poor integration of PSN into the UI.

One thing PSN has over XBL however is the vast directory of films on the PSN store. However users from remote countries are not able to access this content. XBL has a Zune marketplace which has a good variety of films and is available almost everywhere unlike on the PS3. So even though the PS3 may have a few more films, many people are not even able to access them.

Another thing to consider about online gaming is connectivity. On XBL there are Twitter and Facebook apps directly integrated into the UI whereas on the PS3, you need to launch the web browser for this. There is a Facebook app on PSN however it is not full blown like the one on XBL.

Also, XBL has an integrated messenger service which further provides connectivity. XBL also has a party chat system which allows gamers to connect with their buddies on different games and also even watch a rented film together.

Overall, XBL clearly demolishes PSN. Is it worth the money? Hell yes! The service is very reliable and is very cleverly integrated into the user experience. XBL is also about staying connected and is almost a social networking platform in itself. On PSN, there is nothing that motivates you to stay connected to your friends. Overall, XBL is better than PSN on all circumstances so I give the point to Xbox live!

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