Tuesday 13 July 2010

PS3 vs. Xbox 360: Looks and Mobility

When the PS3 was first revealed, people thought it looked rather odd. Odd as in the damn controller looked like a Banana. The Xbox however, didn't receive as much flame. But time has past, various changes have been made and people are now seeing things differently.

Since release, both the PS and the Xbox have been in the midst of a raging war. Both hardware wise and software wise. In this post i will be comparing the looks of both consoles and also how mobile they are.

Now as you can see, the Xbox does not look too bad.

Hmm. Not bad either.

Now lets compare dimensions and weight.


dimensions: 12.8" (W) x 3.8" (H) x 10.8" (L)

weight: 11lb or 4.9kg

Xbox 360

dimensions: 12.5" (W) x 3.27" (H) x 10.15" (L)

weight: 7.7lb or 3.4kg

As we can see, the Xbox 360 is only slightly smaller but significantly lighter. Looks wise, the PS3 has a glossy finish with a smooth curve on top adding to its elegance. The Xbox has a matte finish which gives it a solid look. Overall i think both consoles look great but one more thing to consider is customization.

The Xbox can be customized to a great deal which i think grants it an edge over the PS3. Although the PS3 can also be customized, it does not posses the same amount of flexibility one would have with the Xbox.

Now that iv'e talked about the old and chunkier versions of both consoles. Lets move on to their newer and sleeker offspring's.

Once revealed, the PS3 slim was quite a shocker. The once big and chunky PS had received a massive overhaul. Reducing its size and also its look. It was covered in a matte finish and operated with physical buttons. Like a complete opposite of its big brother.

Similarly, once revealed, the new Xbox 360 250gb (Slim) took everyone by surprise at e3 2010. The new glossy finish and the touch sensitive buttons just made it a mouthwatering sight to see. The size was significantly reduced which consequently led to it being a lot lighter and mobile.

Lets compare.

A lot smaller, but not as sleek. hmm.

A lot more sleeker, not bad...

Once again, lets compare dimensions and weight.

PS3 Slim

dimensions: 11.42" (W) x 2.56" (H) x 11.42" (L)

weight: 7.7lb or 3.4kg

Xbox 360 250gb (Slim)

dimensions: 10.6" (W) x 2.95" (H) x 10.39! (L)

weight: 6.3lb or 2.8kg

both consoles are smaller than before and weigh a lot less.

Overall, in my opinion i would give the Xbox the point as it is much smaller, lighter, and the newer version is actually an improvement. The PS3 slim is an improvement , size wise, but not aesthetically. However, in the end, both consoles are very good looking and i think this matter is all based on opinion. This is why i give both the 360 and the PS3 a point.

Fair do's.

PS3: 1 Xbox 360: 1

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