Tuesday 13 July 2010

PS3 vs. Xbox 360: Exclusive's

Both the Xbox 360 and the PS3 have hosted many blockbuster titles, ranging from first person shooters to action adventures. Fans from both sides have argued ever since the release of the two platforms stating that their console has better exclusive content.

Lets compare.

The Xbox 360 has housed many different exclusives, one that most people may know as Halo 3; a giant in the video games industry. Now Halo alone cannot make a console, so lets take a look at some other major exclusives that have excelled 360 sales, destroyed reviewer ratings and annihilated our minds!

First off,

The Gears of War series

Meta-critic scores of:

Gears of War: 94

Gears of War 2: 93

Fable 2

Meta-critic score of: 89

Halo 3

Meta-critic score of: 94

Forza Motorsport 3

Meta-critic score of: 92

Those were some of the more known 360 exclusive titles. Not too bad eh?

Now lets talk PlayStation. The PS has also had its fair share of exclusive titles. They have caught the eyes of many reviewers and gamers and have managed to rake in some pretty high numbers for the PS3.


The Uncharted series

Meta-critic score of:

Uncharted: 88

Uncharted 2: 96

Metal Gear Solid 4

Meta-critic score of: 94

Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction

Meta-critic score of: 89


Meta-critic score of: 95

hmmm. not bad either.

Now some of you may be pissed that i didn't include Heavy Rain or Killzone 2 etc. Heavy rain received mediocre reviews and opinions. Also, Killzone 2 for example, it received high reviews, but we all know it sucks. After playing it a few times, people, even the reviewers have now realized that it really isn't that good. Face it!

But overall, i think both consoles have very strong exclusive titles. They have received high critical acclaim and broken records. In the end however, i give the point to the Xbox 360 as most of it's exclusives actually deserve their high ratings. Unlike some games *cough*Killzone 2*cough*

P.S. You cant say Halo 3 is all hype as to this day there are still hundreds of thousands of people still playing it. If it was just hype, the players would have realized already and stop playing 3 years ago.

PS3: 1 Xbox 360: 2

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